It's been a while...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ok so I didn't keep up with the weekly posts I set out to do. Not even close. But I am here now, and it feels good to be back. I think moving forward I'll take a less structured approach to blogging. When I first started, I had a whole bunch of topics scheduled on an editorial calendar. But what fun it that? I think it'll be better to go with what's on my mind on any particular day. After all, my wheels are always spinning with lots of out there ideas and random thoughts, so I'll plan to keep this simple and share more of that stuff.

I'd like to share a few of my latest fascinations. 

First is Astroturf! 
Or artificial grass. Done right, it can look really sharp. And what easier way to obtain an immaculate patch of green in the backyard or on the patio?

Next: Antique mail cubbies 

I recently saw some of these for sale through an online auction and could kick myself for not submitting a bid! But I am certain a set will find its way to me someday. What a beautiful and unique way to store just about anything. And what fun that some units still lock. Must have! 

Finally: Restored Vintage Campers
Road trip anyone? How could you resist with a restored camper like one of these? I am determined to get my hands on one and turn it into a rentable roving guest house!